From nothing comes a King. You and a guest are invited to the advance screening of KING ARTHUR: LEGEND OF THE SWORD, on 5/8 in Denver. Please visit to download your complimentary passes. (While supplies last. Passes do not guarantee admission as theater is overbooked. ARRIVE EARLY to line up for a chance to get in.) #KingArthur in theaters May 12.
In theaters May 12
Rated PG-13
KING ARTHUR: LEGEND OF THE SWORD is director Guy Ritchie’s fresh, modern take on the story of how Arthur came from nothing to become a king. Charlie Hunnam (“Sons of Anarchy,” “Pacific Rim”) stars as King Arthur whose Uncle Vortigern (Jude Law) steals his birthright as the future king. The film then follows Arthur’s formative years as a street fighter raised in a brothel, to the day he unknowingly pulls the sword from the stone, and discovers his true legacy. The film pulses with energy from start to finish. It is filled with amazing camera work, incredible CGI and a vibrant soundtrack. In addition to Charlie Hunnam and Jude Law, KING ARTHUR: LEGEND OF THE SWORD also stars Annabelle Wallis (“Annabelle,” “X-Men”), Eric Bana (“Troy”), and Katie McGrath (“Jurrasic World”).